Friday, December 5, 2008

Forms of acne

What is acne?
Acne affects more than 80% of adolescents, but what exactly acneand how do we define it? There are several kinds of acne, several kinds of pimples, many skin types.

So start first by asking a simple question: What is acne? And how to define it?
Scientifically, acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. These glands are all small pockets containing the hair and Sebaceous gland (a gland that secretes oil). When follicular channels (of the sebaceous glands and hair) to seal an excess of dead cells and sebum. It is characterized in several forms: an oily skin and several types of pimples.

Here is the definition for different types of breakouts:

The black head (or open comedones)
A black head is an accumulation of impurities in a skin pore open. These are non-inflammatory lesions. Impurities that accumulate in the pore, eventually filling of keratin and sebum. Keratin oxidizes in air, this explains the fact that the end is black. The black dots are called open comedones because in these injuries, the skin remains open.

The microcystic (or closed comedones)
The microcystic élevures are small translucent white (sometimes yellow) no flaming forming a slight relief. They contain a substance similar to a ball of fat that is sent or shown under the skin. The microcystic only rarely regress spontaneously and they appear mostly to several on the same party. Microcystic a form that becomes a pimple. The concern with microcystic is that progress is very slow in contrast to conventional pimples. They most often several weeks before they disappear. The disappearance of microcystic is simple, the ball fat out of the skin, then you just have to touch to get rid of them. Some disappear without even leaving the skin, they are absorbed alone.

The papules (or red pimple) are inflammatory lesions:
The papules are very common injuries. These storeys of the skin most often very painful. The pimples are red (or pink) and soft. These are basic dry lesions, there is no flow in drilling fluid. They are the result of an infection microcystic and are often very persistent. They can then become pustules.

The pustules (or white pimple), which are inflammatory lesions:
These lesions are identical to papules but they contain a liquid yellowish white purulent: pus. This lesion is characterized by a well-defined uprising of the epidermis. They are called white pimples, which is due to their white cone that overcomes. These pimples correspond to the infection of skin lesions. Usually, these pimples disappear in a few weeks. The acne treatment system for best results is found here.

Nodules (or painful deep pimple) are inflammatory lesions:
These lesions are most important in the context of acne, they characterize severe acne. They are very deep inflammatory lesions, they often move towards the break, the abcédation and scarring. They are very deep lesions, they are more than 5 millimeters in diameter (they are red and very painful). Men are most affected by this form of acne. The lesions may be present on the back, face and neck. Ultimately, the pimple will eventually break, leaving a scar on the skin.